
Popular Islamic Literature (of Ahl as-Sunnah)

Primary Sources

  • Qur'aan


The Sunnah refers to the tradition, which is the second primary source of Islam. It is justified by the Qur'aan's verses that ask the people to "follow Allah and His Messenger".

It includes the Ahadeeth / Ahadees (Narrations of Actions and Sayings of Mohammed and His Companions), as well as the Al-Seerah Al-Nabawiyyah / Seerah (Biography, of Mohammed).

Ahadees (Reports)

  • Early Books
    • Muwatta (Made Easy) by Imam Malik ibn Anas
      • Label: موطأ الإمام مالك / al-Muwatta al-Imam Malik
      • Title: الموطأ / al-Muwatta (Made Easy)
      • Author: مَالِك بْن أَنَس / Imam Malik ibn Anas
    • Musnad by Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal
      • Label:
      • Title:
      • Author:
  • 3rd century AH Books (Saheeh)
    • Saheeh by Imam al-Bukhari
      • Label:
      • Title:
      • Author:
    • Saheeh by Imam Muslim
      • Label:
      • Title:
      • Author:
  • 3rd century AH Books (Mixed)
    • Sunan by Abu Dawood
      • Label:
      • Title:
      • Author:
    • Jami' by at-Tirmidhi
      • Label:
      • Title:
      • Author:
    • Sunan by an-Nasa'i
      • Label:
      • Title:
      • Author:
    • Sunan by ibn Majah
      • Label:
      • Title:
      • Author:

Seerah (Biography)

  • Sirat Rasool Allah (Biography of The Messenger of The One To Be Worshipped) by ibn Ishaq

    • Title: Sirat Rasool Allah (The Biography of The Messenger of The One To Be Worshipped)
    • Author: ibn Ishaq
    • General Remarks:

      • He did not verify the validity of the Isnaads (Chain of Narrations), and only focused on collecting all known reports.

    • Opinions:

      • Imam ash-Shaafa'ee:
        • "Whoever wants to acquire detailed knowledge of Maghaazi has no choice but to rely on Muhammad ibn Ishaaq."
        • Source:
      • Imam adh-Dhabai:
      • Imam ibn Katheer

    • Derivatives:

      • Ibn Hashim
        • General Remarks:
          • It is a condensed edition of ibn Ishaq's "Sirat Rasool Allah"
        • Opinions:
      • al-Tabari
        • Book: Tarikh al-Rasool wa'l-Muluk (The History of Prophets and Kings)
        • Author: Imam Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari**
        • General Remarks:
          • It is similar to ibn Ishaq's "Sirat Rasool Allah" in that it aimed at collecting, not in verifying Isnaads.
          • He used ibn Ishaq's "Sirat Rasool Allah" as his primary source.
        • Opinions:
    • Modern Books

Maghazi (Military Expeditions)

  • Ibn Ishaq is the best source
    • For
      • Imam ash-Shaafa'i said: "Whoever wants to acquire detailed knowledge of Maghaazi has no choice but to rely on Muhammad ibn Ishaaq."
      • Ibn 'Adiyy said: "If ibn Ishaaq had no virtue other than the fact that he diverted rulers from focusing on books from which nothing may be learned to focusing on the military campaigns of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), how his mission began, and the beginning of creation, this virtue would be enough to put him ahead of others."
      • Imam adh-Dhahabi said: "He was a great scholar of Maghaazi."
    • Against
      • He is a liar
        • This is a false accusation which has not been proven, even though he was accused of this by Hishaam ibn ‘Urwah (d. 146 AH), Maalik ibn Anas (d. 179 AH) and Yahya al-Qattaan (d. 198 AH).
    • General Opinion
      • His Hadeeths are at least Hasan

What to read

  • Arabic (by students of Sahabah)
    • "Maghazi" by Musa bin 'Uqbah
    • "Sirah" by Sulayman bin Tarkhan
  • Undisputed
    • Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar) by Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri (Indian Scholar)
      • Most Popular
    • A Biography of the Prophet of Islam (2 Vols. Set) by Mahdi Rizqullah Ahmad, translated by Syed Iqbal Zaheer, published by Darussalam
      • Most Authentic, because it does source analysis)
  • For Western Readers

    • "Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet" by Karen Armstrong (most important)
    • "Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time" by Karen Armstrong
  • ChatGPT

    • "In the Footsteps of the Prophet" by Tariq Ramadan
    • "The Life of the Prophet Muhammad" (4 Volumes) by Muhammad Husayn Haykal
      • I've cited the story of Marhab from it
  • Controversial

    • Youtube: Seerah of Prophet Muhammed (S) by Sheik Dr. Yasir Qadhi
      • Because it doesn't cite proper sources

Secondary Sources

Tafaseer (Exegetical Commentaries)

  • Tafseer Ibn Katheer
  • Tafseer al-Jalalayn
  • Tafseer al-Qurtubi
  • Tafseer al-Tabari
  • Tafseer al-Razi
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